Hot Paws

Boise, Idaho temps have been in the high 90s this summer, definitely too hot for waking your new puppy on any blacktop. Check out these tips to avoid burns from the AKC:
Is It Too Hot? Or Not? Dogs are typically very stoic and won’t “tell” us when they’re in pain. Their paw pads could be burning but their love of walks supersedes the pain. The pads on your dog’s paws are extra sensitive and can burn, dry out, and crack from walking on hot asphalt, concrete, metal, or sand. Before hitting the streets this summer with your Golden Retriever puppy, take some steps to prevent this often-hidden injury. It’s easy to tell if the pavement is too hot in the beginning of your walk. Place your hand or your barefoot on pavement for at least 10 seconds. If it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for them.
Avoiding Burns
Even in the hottest climates, burnt puppy paw pads can be avoided. Go for walks early in the morning, before the sun heats up the asphalt, or after it cools down in the evening. You can also avoid pavement completely and stick to grass or a mulched greenway or trail. Natural materials don’t absorb heat as much as man-made materials and will feel cooler on paws. Even in shade, pavement can still get very hot when the temps rise. Don’t assume it’s safe just because it’s shaded. Still take the proper precautions as previously stated for your puppy. No grass to walk on? It is definitely worth investing in lightweight booties. Stay away from disposable booties that are made from rubber and silicone. They do not breathe well and can actually make their feet hotter.
*Remember that they should have 3 sets of vaccines to avoid Parvo before treading on high traffic dog areas.